Is a Hosted System is Right for Your Business?
Hosted phone systems are the latest technology that, just like the newest IPhone/Smartphone, are designed to give you more features and capacity. But still, would one be the right fit for your business?
New Biz Text Messaging Service from JHB
If you are a restaurant, medical office, retail company, law office or similar business..,these days a text message service is a must!
JHB Welcomes Dr. Ortiz Dental as new customer
JHB is pleased to welcome The Center for Smiles – Dr. Ramon Ortiz in Oldsmar Florida as a new JHB customer! We recently switched them from Brighthouse phones and service to one of our hosted IP phone systems through Impact Telecom!
Hosted VOIP Phone Systems – Emancipating Businesses from the PBX.
Here is why Hosted VOIP Phone Systems I believe are the single most dependable choice for businesses today
Keeping that old phone system is bad for business
While recently visiting a customer I mentioned that it was not in his best interest to continue running his company, which relies on staff transacting thousands of dollars in business per day, with his old phone system. He replied to me ” they work just fine why should I replace them?” I immediately pictured how…