Cordless Headsets – Your New Best Friend


Corona Cordless HeadsetIf you spend more than an hour a day on your office telephone this is something you need to read…

Running a communications business keeps me on my office phone a lot and the single best thing that helps me get through the many hours I spend on the phone is my cordless headset.

FYI, for years I was not a believer. I used my speakerphone or strained my neck using my handset.  In fact I  had to be talked into trying a cordless headset!

Here’s why I cut the cord:

  • Health Benefit #1:
    My doctor told me I needed to spend less time sitting at my desk (aka “flying the desk”)…yeah, right, that time a the desk helped me pay for his services. However, a cordless headset allows me to walk around my office without losing a productivity beat.  Many days it reduces my “desk flying” time by 50%
  • Health Benefit # 2:cordless headset achy neck
    Ever had a sore neck after getting off the phone? That was me before I started using my cordless headset.  Every chiropractor I’ve spoken to about this has endorsed the use of a cordless headset as an extremely  effective way to reduce  stress on the neck for we “desk connected” types
  • Increased productivity:
    I am a multi-tasker. Often times I may be having a  conversation with someone while my hands are busy programming  a phone. My cordless headset gives me the freedom to do both without diminishing  the sound quality of the phone call I am on
  • Excellent sound quality & comfort:
    Especially with many of the new models of cordless headsets I have found the sound quality to be even better than using a handset, and they are very light weight and comfortable. A perfect example: I was running late for a meeting the other day and as a I pulled out of my parking space I realized I was still wearing my cordless headset – it was so comfortable I forgot I had it in my ear. My favorite fishing cap feels like it weighs more on my head than my headset.
  • Affordablility:
    The prices of these cordless headsets have dropped significantly in the last few years, from about $400 or more to fully warranted models for under $200
  • Reliability and Longevity:
    With proper care a high quality professional grade cordless headset should last you several years. I got 5 years out of my previous cordless headset and the only thing I had to do was a 1 time replacement a battery

cordless headset junkNote of caution – there are a lot of junk/poor quality cordless headsets out there.  In my experience any cordless headset that  seems like a “great deal” from the office supply stores or similar will turn out to be the opposite…junk…not the high quality models you need to use in your office.

Bottom line: If you spend more than an hour a day on your office telephone invest in a cordless headset as I did…it was blessing that has paid for itself many times over.