Category: Announcing..!
JHB Welcomes Dr. Ortiz Dental as new customer
JHB is pleased to welcome The Center for Smiles – Dr. Ramon Ortiz in Oldsmar Florida as a new JHB customer! We recently switched them from Brighthouse phones and service to one of our hosted IP phone systems through Impact Telecom!
Phone Service & Internet Bill over $200? Let us help you pay a lot less!
Prices are dropping faster than ever ( that I have seen) so why pay more for your monthly phone service?? Personally, I work hard for to help my company be as profitable as possible and I hate the idea of squandering a penny – let alone thousands of dollars per year on unnecessary expenses -including…
New Phones by JHB at the 7 Chamber Trade Show June 16th
Come see JHB show you how the latest in phone technology can save your business money and increase sales!
Reducing Phone Bill Costs for Non profits
If you have a favorite non-profit – whether you work, volunteer, provide financial support, or even if you do business with one, keep reading, because you can help them save money!
Congressman Bilirakis and I at Trustees Lunch